Which Land Sites for Development? The TSC Draft Options Paper for the Growth Management and Housing Strategy, Councillors Request Clarity:

The TSC ‘Final Options Paper‘, nominating 60 sites to be proposed for development or further development, was on the agenda of the December ’24 Tweed Shire Council Public Meeting. The ‘Final Options’ presented by Council staff had combined several previously separately identified sites, clouding clear identification of environmental and other site constraints of these sites. Concerns…

We’re Back!

The Caldera Environment Centre and Shop are, thankfully, back with a premises in town again. Looking forward to seeing you all again and anew. 2/43 Wollumbin Street, Murwillumbah

The Wollumbin Caldera

The Wollumbin Caldera is one of the three top biodiversity hotspots in Australia. It covers an area of approximately 1500 sq km and supports around 1250 types of plants.  The Caldera includes a high diversity of ecosystem types because it is in an area where temperate and sub-tropical bio-geographic areas, both terrestrial and marine, converge. …

Great Koala National Park

Open letter to Premier Minns and the NSW Government January 10, 2025. IT IS PAST TIME FOR THE MINNS GOVERNMENT TO STOP LOGGING THE GREAT KOALA NATIONAL PARK. THEY MUST HONOUR THEIR COMMITMENT TO PROTECT IT. The Minns’ Government was elected on a promise to save Koalas and create the Great Koala National Park, but…


Today at the second weekly Fridays4Forests session, opposite the Murwillumbah post office, three members of the CEC, collected a good number of signed petitions to the premier and local federal member, to stop logging native forests.

Great Koala National park

Why We Need a Great Koala National Park. The countdown is on, the assessments are complete or nearly so, and a decision on the GKNP will be made this year – though might not be announced until next year. So we need a concerted lobbying effort over the next month to maximise the outcome for…

The Windfarm Threat to The Great Dividing Range

The Great Dividing Range is a magnificent series of connected mountain ranges that form the backbone of eastern Australia. Stretching over 3,500 kilometres from the tropical north to the temperate south, this ancient landscape is home to some of the most ecologically significant habitats on Earth. Sadly, this natural wonder is facing severe threats from major…

Stop plastic pollution at the source. You’ve got it in you.

Support Greenpeace Final talks for a Global Plastics Treaty begin in :Days29 :Hours06 :Mins08 :Secs45  From the deepest oceans to the highest mountain tops, plastics are choking the life we rely on. It’s in our landscapes. It’s in our food. It’s in us. This November, we have the chance turn off the tap on plastic pollution. Global leaders will be in…

CEC Movie Club: The Forest

The story of a brilliant ecologist with a plan to save the world by restoring the planet’s forests. His original work was hijacked by corporations and politicians with disastrous effect. Now he’s using science to fight back. Includes a segment with Professor David Lindenmayer Author of The Forest Wars, available from the NEW Caldera Environment…

Landcare field day

Tweed Landcare invites you to attend a free Landcare field day in focused on balancing property management for cattle and biodiversity conservation.  Presented by North Coast Regional Landcare, Tweed Land Care Inc. and the NSW Biodiversity Conservation Trust, the session will demonstrate the benefits of balanced land management for farmers. The field day, held on Bundjalung Country, will include…

Highway to Hell: Are we stuck in a Climate Action Cul-de-sac?

With ever-increasing frequency of floods, intense storms and bushfires, we know the climate crisis is accelerating.  We also know that the solutions are with us, the everyday people who hold the power to vote and compel decision-makers to enact the right policies for the health of our planet.   I’m Chels Hood Whithey, Founder of House…

Silent Spring

The extraordinary story of a lowly-paid public servant who launched an environmental conservation movement and became an unlikely 1960s pop culture icon. Using a combination of lyrical writing and fact driven journalism, when Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring was published in 1963 it alerted the world …19 Dec 202419 December 2024 https://www.abc.net.au/listen/search?query=theBooks that changedUs SilentSpringRachel Carson

Native Forests Rally Mullumbimby

Native Forests Rally in Mullumbimby at the Civic HallSunday November 3rd 10am I am writing on behalf of the Bob Brown Foundation to ask for your involvement in the nationwide Rally for Native Forests on Sun 3 Nov at the Mullumbimby Civic Hall and Cenotaph Park. The rally itself is from 11-12, and this is bookended…

Find Us

The Caldera Environment Centre and Shop will re- open in January, at 2/43 Wollumbin Street, Murwillumbah. (Next to the Freshwholefoods health shop) 2/43 Wollumbin StreetMurwillumbah NSW 2484Australia Email:  caldera@calderaenvironmentcentre.org Web:  http://calderaenvironmentcentre.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calderaenvironmentcentre CEC Shop Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calderaenvironmentcentreshop/ Post:  PO Box 5090 South Murwillumbah NSW 2484 Australia

Heal the Rivers

Heal the Rivers is an Indigenous-led initiative focusing on the restoration of cultural landscapes and implementing nature-based solutions for flood mitigation and adaptation across the Northern Rivers.  Jagun Aliance website: https://www.jagunalliance.org.au

petition to end logging of native forests

End public native forest logging ‘Rogue’ government agency Forestry Corporation of NSW accused of more illegal logging petition to end logging of native forests.Right now the NSW state owned logging company is logging an area larger than 10,000 football fields inside the proposed Great Koala National Park and has recently been accused of illegally logging the…

Follow the Rain

World famous fungi hunters invite audiences on a unique expedition into the wilderness of Australia, where the symbiotic dance between fungi, plants and animals, unlocks nature’s greatest secrets. We document fungi because humans are only just starting to understand how important fungi are to life on our planet and how critical they are in protecting…

What the gas giants knew all along

From The Saturday Paper The founding chair of Australia’s oldest fossil fuel industry association was aware at least as early as 1969 that burning oil, gas and coal had the potential to cause harm, according to newly recovered materials. However, legal experts say that under Australian law it is unlikely companies will be held to…

An Evening with the federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek

When: 6:30pm, Thursday, 15th August 2024 Where: Online, via Zoom  And you can invite others to join you at the event with this link: https://www.nature.org.au/evening_with_the_minister_2024?recruiter_id=52205 I look forward to seeing you then. Ed MortimerOrganising DirectorNature Conservation Council of NSW

Climate Community Convergence event!

Hi Friends of the Koala Inc, Are you and your community free on Saturday 22 June from 10:00am – 3:00pm Rising Tide is going on Tour and coming to Bangalow for a Climate Community Convergence event! In November 2023, Rising Tide organised The People’s Blockade of the World’s Largest Coal Port, which saw over 3,000…

Minister won’t step in over alleged logging breaches

An audit found Forestry Corporation breached greater glider search rules 188 times in eight weeks. NSW’s environment minister has refused to intervene amid fears the government’s own Forestry Corporation could be illegally destroying the den trees of endangered greater gliders. Penny Sharpe has voted against a motion, brought by the Greens in parliament, calling for…

Environment Initiatives

Tweed Shire Council has lots of opportunities for you to have your say about Sustainability and Environment initiatives, including: Energy Access and Poverty plan Electric Vehicle Charging in the Tweed Community Action Network May Sustainable Food Climate Change Adaptation reference Group For More information go to TSC website

CEC at Kinship Festival

The Caldera Environment Centre will have a stall at the Kinship Festival on May 25 at Knox Park. Come and check out our range of environmental books and grass roots products, such as stainless steel clothes pegs, water bottles and native plants. As well as Plant ID and children’s books, we have the recently launched…

The Forest Wars

Professor David Lindenmayer AO, in his new book, The Forest Wars, lifts the lid on destruction of native forests by government corporations and logging industry that is making bushfires worse, killing wildlife and costing taxpayers millions, for the sake of woodchips for export. David Lindenmayer reveals an unholy alliance between state forestry, the timber industry…

State Government Koala Strategy

Preview(opens in a new tab)

From our friends at North East Forest Alliance (NEFA) a flyer to encourage your response to the State Governments Koala Strategy. The most important thing to emphasise is habitat. We need to see an end to native forest logging as in Western Australia and Victoria. Currently logging is happening in the proposed Koala National Park. Submissions due 26th April.


TSC, Increased Roadside Weed Management, 3 Year Contract

Weeds, along with habitat loss and feral animals, are the top causes of the loss of biodiversity in NSW. Cnclr Nola Firth: “We in the tweed are responsible for one of the most diverse places in Australia and one where we have the most threatened species. “Despite this weeds are proliferating along our road side…

Draft Growth Management and Housing Strategy

Passing this on from The Northern Rivers Guardians. Friends: A few weeks ago, we alerted you to Tweed Shire Council’s Draft Growth Management and Housing Strategy that was exhibited for public comment. The draft raises many questions about what the shire will be like in the future, including how to best preserve the region as…

March for the Forests

Sunday 10am Gather at Riverside Park. Lismore Will you March in March in Lismore with us?  We can protect our native forests, restore our landscapes, expand our plantation base and create thousands of jobs in the regions. We need a national strategy to guide this important work, and we need to move urgently – to 100%…

Caldera Update

Both state and federal governments are responsible for decisions which erode environmental protection.  The Caldera Environment Centre is supporting environmental protection groups, Fridays4Forests, North East Forest Alliance, Northern Rivers Guardians to call for immediate action to protect native forests and species habitat, for their intrinsic ecological, biodiversity and carbon services. On Friday 8th March from…

NCC: The government is currently seeking feedback on changes to the Environmental Protection Act.

Macchiato: “The federal government’s changes to national environment laws are our chance to secure real protections for nature.  Imagine living in a society without extinction. Imagine knowing that our forests, oceans, rivers, and wildlife were being defended from further harm.  Imagine being confident that no matter who is trying to make a profit, our critical ecosystems would be protected…

A Sad Decision for Nationally Threatened Species – “This judgement means that it is valid to roll over Regional Forest Agreements (RFAs) forever-more based on data collated in 1997″

NORTH EAST FOREST ALLIANCE: “Justice Perry ‘s judgement of today in North East Forest Alliance vs The Commonwealth of Australia is that no contemporaneous [‘at that time’] assessment is required before extending Regional Forest Agreements beyond the originally intended 20 years, noting: the question of whether or not to enter into or vary an intergovernmental…

EDO: “We’ll keep fighting to protect NSW forests after disappointing court decision.”

Environmental Defenders Office: “I have an important update to share with you about our case to protect NSW forests and native wildlife.   The bulldozing of forests is driving Australia’s extinction crisis. Yet under the RFA, native forest logging is exempt from federal biodiversity assessment designed to protect nationally threatened species and ecosystems.  The North East NSW Regional…

Find Us

Find Us – Archived The Caldera Environment Centre and Shop have lost our 4 Queen Street Murwillumbah leased building. We are seeking alternative accomodation. Phone:  Our landline is no longer active. Email:  caldera@calderaenvironmentcentre.org Web:  http://calderaenvironmentcentre.org/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/calderaenvironmentcentre CEC Shop Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/calderaenvironmentcentreshop/ Post:  PO Box 5090 South Murwillumbah NSW 2484

Birdlife Northern Rivers

Public education plays an important role in what we [Birdlife Northern Rivers] do. We have placed signs at important roosting, feeding and breeding sites from the Tweed River in the north, to the Port Macquarie coast and at inland areas identifying significant Regent Honeyeater habitat. Additional signs, posters and Bird Routes brochures have been developed…


“… an important update … Sadly, the court dismissed our arguments, meaning that the approvals are valid, and the loggers are free to move into this still-recovering habitat once again.” “Earlier this year, the Forestry Corporation of NSW began logging the Myrtle and Braemar state forests which provide critical habitat for endangered koalas in the…

Update Regarding Caravan Park proposed on Pottsville Koala habitat

Notice from proponent’s lawyers, 3rd April 2024, an on-site “… conciliation conference under section 34 of the Land and Environment Court Act 1979 (Conciliation Conferen… If the matter is not resolved at the Conciliation Conference, the matter will proceed to a hearing at a date to be fixed.” ———- Development Application no. DA23/0302 (112 sites,…

NCC: “Habitat clearing – the elephant in the bush”

The Nature Conservation Council: “50 million trees. More emissions than Sydney, every year! This is the devastating impact of habitat clearing across NSW.  Help us [NCC, Nature Conservation Council] end this destruction. We are lucky to live amongst some of the most unique and diverse ecosystems on the planet. For tens of thousands of years,…

Black Cockatoo Film and Talk

There is a Black Cockatoo Crisis! Brunswick Valley Landcare present a film fundraiser: ‘Black Cockatoo Crisis – the extinction clock is ticking on our Black Cockatoos.’ Including a short talk on our own Northern Rivers, Glossy Black Cockatoos, and Glossy Squad.

Community Information Session, ‘Cudgen Connection’

Despite this subject development proposal being prohibited on State Significant Farmland (SSF), and promises there would be no further development on the Cudgen Plateau SSF the Cudgen Connection proposed development has come to life yet again. Proposed development: “As you are aware we have a proposal for a $300M+ health, education and essential worker housing precinct for…

Climate Changers film screening & Q&A Regent Theatre Murwillumbah

The film ‘Climate Changers’ follows Australian scientist and conservationist Tim Flannery in his global search for leadership on climate change.  Watch the trailer here (link)  “The screening is part of a national event on September 17th, which will see audiences at more than 30 cinemas across the country watch the film together and join a…

CEC Membership Application

To apply for membership of the Caldera Environment Centre Association: 1. Complete the application form below (note: the form is not an online form, eg download, modify, eMail to caldera@calderaenvironmentcentre.org). 2. Bank transfer the membership fee (note: use your name in the reference field for the payment). Single $10, Family $15, Under 21yrs $5. Payment…

Zombie Developments: Communities Organise to Stop Developments Approved Decades Ago

Many of these developments were approved decades ago, avoiding environmental, cultural heritage and other impact assessments that are required today. “Communities right along the length of the NSW coast are fighting to protect sensitive coastal bushland and villages from dozens of inappropriate developments that will change our beautiful coast forever if allowed to go ahead.…


Sustainability is … CONTINUABILITY, the ability of something to sustain, to continue. The Environment is … the whole of NATURE, the Ecology, the systems of inter-related, inter-dependent lifeforms on this planet. ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY IS THE ABILITY OF NATURE TO CONTINUE. Nature organically sustains itself through time, naturally regenerating and continuing to exist. For hundreds of…

Useful Links:

… Nimbin Environment Centre … North East Forest Alliance, NEFA … Nature Conservation Council of NSW, NCC … Northern Rivers Guardiansn, NRG: [Formally the No Rally Group] … Kyogle Action Group, KAG … Caldera Environment Centre

NEFA: Logging suspended in Myrtle and Braemar State Forests until court case

“The North East Forest Alliance has taken the NSW Forestry Corporation to court in an effort to save the homes of Koalas, and 23 other threatened species, including the Southern Greater Glider, Yellow-bellied Glider, Rufous Bettong, Masked Owl and Squirrel Glider.  NEFA has engaged the Environmental Defenders Office to commence legal proceedings in the NSW…

Terri Nicholson – Caldera Singer-Songwriter

Community member, environmental activist, a singer/songwriter, a natural health practitioner/healer, a deep ecologist.

“Growing up in an activist family of rainforest lovers …

… I thrive on living close to the land, growing my own food, being able to sink my feet in the grass, to swim in the river, …

… I stand for environmental sustainability and conscious aware relationships (with self and others and the earth) …

… I value NATURE. The beauty, intricacy and interconnected reality that we are the earth, as it is us.”

From the forest and from the heart:

Growing up surrounded by the beauty of the Terania rainforest, as well as the knowledge that it was her community’s activism that had protected it from logging, gives Terri a deep appreciation and courage that comes through in her own songs and that “Keeping the songs of the forest protests alive feels important for the continuity of story and commitment to native forest protection.”

Guided by her sense of ecological-self, always in deep reverence and relationship with the living earth, her songs of love and heartache with human relationships also have a gentle, strong and honest depth.


Link: Tree Song from Australian singer/songwriter Terri Nicholson’s Amazon best-seller folk album ‘Fall Into Feeling’.



World Environment Day Festival 2023

Knox Park Murwillumbah, Sunday July 16th. Hosted by the Caldera Environment Centre in conjunction with community environmental groups from around the region. The event gives local environmental organisations an arena to bring attention to their issues and their actions, plus Guest Speakers, plus performance entertainment.  Our event promotes sustainability and the protection of the natural…

Renew Fest’s 24hr Vigil for Grief, for Love, for the Earth [!]

Renew Fest’s 24hr Vigil for Grief, 4pm Saturday to 4pm Sunday 29th-30th July 2023, Fig Tree Grove, Mullumbimby Showground. This event is a free open-air cathedral, arts-infused, quiet contemplative space to honour and give respect to personal and collective grief and all that grief brings to the fore to feel… to heal… to love… and to…


Two HSC students have locked themselves to a cement filled barrel and a third HSC student has locked on to logging machinery to prevent logging operations in Orara East State Forest. A few kilometres away in Boambee State Forest two grandmothers have halted logging machinery by locking themselves to the arm of a harvester.  A tree-climber has…