Green drinks and discussion – supporting the CEC

The Stone & Wood Brewery in Byron Bay hosted the July 30th Green drinks and discussion event. This is a bi-monthly social events to bring together like-minded people to have conversations about environmental and social justice issues, a chance to network together to see how we can all be part of the solution to the…

FLYWAYS – The Untold Journey of Migratory Shorebirds, The Regent Theatre, Murwillumbah, SUN June 18, 5:45pm

“Reaching out to let you know of the beautiful new documentary FLYWAYS – The Untold Journey of Migratory Shorebirds, from Award-Winning Australian filmmaker Randall Wood. “FLYWAYS is now touring Australia for a limited season and is playing at The Regent, Murwillumbah, on SUN June 18 @ 5:45pm. Watch the trailer on . “FLYWAYSexplores the extraordinary journey of…

Nightcap National Park

NSWNPWS website: Ground-breaking protests at Terania Creek in the late 1970’s paved the way for the park’s creation and international recognition as a Gondwana Rainforest World Heritage site in 1986. Nightcap National Park’s rainforests are part of the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area, the largest area of subtropical rainforest in the world. They are a…

NCC: Don’t let them log the Great Koala National Park

NCC: “You might have heard that after a decade of community pressure the new Labor government committed to establishing the Great Koala National Park (GKNP). This is great news! [However, … ] The GKNP was developed by leading scientists, ecologists and local environmental groups, who identified the most important areas of koala habitat in NSW. All…

Plastic is a forever molecule

Airborne plastic pollution ‘spiralling around the globe’, study finds.  Microplastics ‘significantly contaminating the air’, scientists warn.  We are ingesting up to a credit card amount of plastic each week  (University of Newcastle).  NIST Study Shows Everyday Plastic Products Release Trillions of Microscopic Particles Into Water.  Around 90% of all river-borne plastic that ends up in…

Win for native forests in Victoria!

EDO: “Great news for forests and wildlife!   This week the Victorian Government announced it will end native forest logging in the State by the end of this year. This is a crucial win for nature and people. Native forests are vital habitat for threatened wildlife, they clean the air we breathe, and are critical…

Historic Legacy Developments

A current Council meeting agenda item is the already approved though not acted upon historical Legacy Development Approvals which would not meet today’s DA requirements, and if anything can be done to bring legacy developments consents into line with current development standards. From the TSC Meeting May 18 Agenda: “The NSW Planning system has created…

Tweed Conservation Zone Review

TS Council are inviting landowners and the community to provide their feedback on the draft Planning Proposal PP23/0001 which is the first in a series of planning proposals that will apply conservation zones across the whole of the Tweed. It proposes to amend the Tweed Local Environmental Plan (LEP) 2014 by adding in the planning controls…

Time to stop Logging Koalas to Extinction

NEFA MEDIA RELEASE: The North East Forest Alliance is calling on people to take action to protect one of the most important Koala habitats on the Richmond River Lowlands in response to the Forestry Corporation commencing logging in Braemar State Forest (south of Casino). Four days after the election of the Minns Government the Forestry…

Youth Tweed Event

“Mobilising the Next Generation of Social Innovators.” Wednesday May 31st and Thursday June 1st. Cabriata Beach SLSC. 9am – 4pm.

NEFA LEAF May 2023

The Latest Edition of the North East Forest Alliance NEFA LEAF news update. The most informative publication of what’s going on with native forest protection in our area.  NEFA: “It’s been a huge start to the year with communities rising up to protect what’s left of our precious native forests.  Check out our events below…

Gondwana Going, Going…Gone?

The David Bradbury video, it’s about the fight to protect NSW native forests from logging, it’s about NEFA et al. From Bulga to Gibberagee. “For activists and forest lovers to spread the word about how NSW state forests (and forests throughout Australia) are being so over-logged and trashed by the NSW Forestry Corporation and private…

Regent Movie: The Message of the Lyrebird

Tweed Landcare is hosting a screening of the award-winning film The Message of the Lyrebird.  Lyrebirds hold the history of the forest in their song… but are they now singing the sad story of human encroachment?  Set in a natural wonderland where an exquisite forest faery has been performing astonishing song and dance routines for 18…

Singleton Redbank Native Forest Biomass power station news

Hello [from AFCA]. Just letting you know that [we] spoke to Singleton Council yesterday re Verdant and Redbank. The Council did not know about the removal of NF biomass as an eligible source of renewable energy from the RE Act regs so I sent them the attached announcement from Bowen. Verdant has not submitted a new…

The Murwillumbah Regent Cinema: The Giants – Bob Brown and the Forests, Movie Release Thursday April 20th, and three weekends therafter.

At the Murwillumbah Regent Cinema, …  “The Extraordinary life of Bob Brown intertwined with the story of Australia’s ancient trees.  “… biopic of environmentalist Bob Brown, … The film goes from Bob’s story to the trees’ story – revealing just how closely intertwined they are.   “Australia has one of the highest rates of deforestation in…

Nesting Boxes for Wildlife – Workshop

Conservation Volunteers Australia would like to invite you to their next event in the Tweed Shire about Nest boxes happening on May 25 in Uki. Come along on May 25 and learn about nest box installation with Nick from Sentinel Tree Care. This free event is an introduction to all things nest boxes. Tree hollows…

nefanews: [Final?] Forest Media 31 (April 2023)

Hi, I [Dailan] started doing regular media summaries in late 2019. The format has changed over time. My coverage significantly improved when NCC gave me access to their daily media monitoring results – I thank them for it. I find it interesting to keep up with what’s happening in NSW and around the world, though…

“They’re STILL woodchipping wildlife habitat”

NSW is blessed with an amazing diversity of forests. These are home to thousands of amazing plants and animals found nowhere else on earth.  We have rainforests that have survived since Gondwana and tall eucalypt forests that contain some of the tallest trees in the world.   Please watch the 1 minute video below: “They’re STILL woodchipping wildlife…

NEFA: Forest News – March

New South Wales Forest protectors walked into closed forests in Yarratt SF, and Doubleduke SF, claiming they have been closed to the public by the Forestry Corporation to hide the destruction that is occurring at taxpayer expense. Brooman State Forest Conservation Group and Friends of the Forest (Mogo), Knitting Nannas in the M.U.D (Milton Ulladulla…

The Seeding – Caldera Music

Caldera Music is a modest platform for the promotion and encouragement of Environmental and Social Justice Music by musicians of the Caldera. [The Seeding are from Mullum.]

Rodent Control, TSC to replace 2nd Generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides

Cnclr Nola Firth: “Second-generation Anticoagulant Rodenticides (SGARs) don’t break down for months or possibly years and dead or dying rats eaten by any animal, bird or reptile will also die. “The poison doesn’t work immediately and rats can roam far from the bait site, resulting in death of our wildlife, especially owls and other birds…

Deep Ecology with John Seed, an experiential deep ecology workshop.

Deep Ecology with John Seed, weekend 14th – 16th, followed by optional stay-over:   “Human identity exists at the intersection of the ancient cycles of air, water and soil. In spite of the pervasive illusion of separation, in reality no separation is possible between nature and ourselves.“ … community therapies “healing our relations to the…

Caldera Music – Manoa

Caldera Music is a modest platform for the promotion and encouragement of Environmental and Social Justice Music by musicians of the Caldera. “Manoa … completed his PhD in Environmental Education & Ecopsychology and shares his ecologic knowledge and his belief in the healing potential of the natural world through education, workshops and retreats. “Manoa has…

CEC Movie Club – ‘ALBATROSS, A Love Story’

The movie ALBATROSS, a film by Chris Jordan. “… a poetic guided tour into the depths of your own spirit. … a message of life and love for nature. … a visual journey into the heart of an astonishingly symbolic environmental tragedy. The Midway Atoll is home to the largest albatross colony in the world.…

Selling out Koalas

UPDATE: The proposed Bill of the Nationals to further remove protections for native forests has been withdrawn because of community response made the passing of the bill unlikely [a success for forest protection and those who responded to the call for action].  [Original] NEFA MEDIA RELEASE:  Perrottet’s Private Native Forestry logging bill is an all-out…

3D printed homes Meet Jindi. Studio Kite’s 3D printed tiny home. Jindi is a Yugambeh-Bundjalung word used for nest. The Bundjalung Nation are the custodians of the northern coastal area of NSW. In collaboration with National Parks and Wildlife Services, Studio Kite designed a range of 3D-printed nests for endangered wildlife that were left homeless due to…

NEFA News: Federal Gov’t Falls at First Forest Hurdle

Report by SEAN O’SHANNESSY: North coast conservationists are dismayed, that the Albanese Federal Government have failed to seize the opportunity to exclude wood from native forests being used as a substitute for coal and classed as ‘renewable energy’. A Senate Committee report released this afternoon that investigated potential amendments to the Climate Change legislation, has…

Tweed Growth Management and Housing Strategy Survey

Below is the link to the survey and also the Caldera Environment Centre’s priority issues as a guide to help with your survey responses. Closing date is 12th Sept. CEC points – from the perspective of preserving Tweeds internationally significant biodiversity and maintaining the character of local ‘village’ communities as well as preserving productive farmlands. Suggested responses to survey questions: Q on places and types of residential development for…

See the Draft North Coast Regional Plan Update

The North Coast Regional Plan is the strategic plan for the future of the this region View the document with our highlighted texts for clarity and speed of reading: Submissions closed 24 August 2022 Caldera Environment Centre To NSW Dept Planning & EnvironmentEmail: Submission: Draft North Coast Regional Plan 2041 (NCRP). The Caldera…

Inquiry into Australia’s Extinction Crisis

The inquiry has been re-referred, with a revised title and terms of reference, included below.  … you are invited to make a new submission to this inquiry by 31 August 2022, previous submissions are still to be considered.  … lodge a submission through the committee’s website.  Inquiry into Australia’s Extinction Crisis.  Terms of Reference.  Australia’s extinction crisis,…

Australian State of The Environment Report

Biodiversity – Executive Summary: “Australia’s biodiversity is under increased threat and has, overall, continued to decline. “… many species and communities suffer from the cumulative impacts of multiple pressures. Most jurisdictions consider the status of threatened species to be poor and the trend to be declining. “Invasive species, particularly feral animals, are unequivocally increasing the pressure they exert on Australia’s biodiversity, and habitat…

World Environment Day Festival feedback

Caldera Environment Centre would like to thank you for participating in our event. We hope you had as much fun attending as we did organizing it. We want to hear your feedback so we can keep improving. It will also help with funding to keep the festival going. Please fill this quick survey and let us…

… to force a debate in the NSW parliament to End Public Native Forest Logging

Update: Petition succeeded, it will be debated in the Legislative Assembly at 4pm on 15/09/2022. You can watch the debate on the webcast at . ————— NCC is sponsoring a Parliamentary petition aimed at ending forest logging. The Petition must get 20,000 signatures in the by August 1, to force a debate in the…

World Environment Day 17th July Knox Park Murwillumbah – #OnlyOneEarth

   The Caldera World Environment Day Event  promotes sustainability and protection of the natural environment,  celebrates the environmental culture and ecological bio-diversity in our region,  is a coming together to learn about and to discuss the challenges we face in living in the age of the ecological crisis, and  is designed to be encouraging, inspiring,…

NEFA: Cherry Tree Four Get Justice

All charges were dismissed in Kyogle Court for the four forest protectors arrested in November for defending Cherry Tree State Forest from logging. Malveena Martyn, Naomi Shine, Ian Gaillard and Dee Mould, collectively known as the “Cherry Tree Four” who had their final day in court after over six months of legal action were relieved and…

[nefanews] Forest Media 8 April 2022

New South Wales:  At the south coast Upper House hearings into the ’Long term sustainability and future of the timber and forest products industry’ concerns were raised about the frequency of logging breaches, the slow investigations, the lack of third-party enforcement, the logging of burnt forests and the pitiful returns on native forest logging, whereas…

NEFA: … focus attention on forests.

Forests are the most biologically diverse ecosystems on land and accommodate more than 80% of the terrestrial specifies of animals, plants and insects. Forests cover 30% of the earth’s surface and are vital habitats for millions of species, they are sources of clean air and water, and of course crucial for fighting climate change. A…

North East Forest Alliance Statement for International Day of Forests

“If the NSW and Federal Governments continue to refuse to [stop logging public native forests and stopping clearing forests], it is your responsibility to stand up and speak out to make them.” Big old trees are awesome, hundreds of years old, towering 8-12 stories high, apartment complexes for hollow-dependent animals with larders for Koalas, gliders, possums…

Submission in objection to the Whitehaven coal mine expansion at Narrabri

Lock The Gate have asked for submissions to the Independent Planning Commission in objection to the new expansion of the Whitehaven Narrabri coal mine which will affect the environment as detailed below. The CEC submission: We (the Caldera Environment Centre, Murwillumbah NSW) object to the Whitehaven coal mine expansion at Narrabri. We object because the proposed…

Dismay over Government’s rejection of inquiry recommendation to stop burning native forests for electricity.

From The North East Forest Aliance (NEFA) and The North Coast Environment Council (NCEC): Conservation groups are dismayed by the NSW Government’s rejection of the recommendations of the parliamentary inquiry ‘to prevent the burning of wood from native forests to generate energy’ and exclude its being classed as renewable energy. Contrary to the Government’s claims…

Please Help: ePetition – End Public Native Forest Logging in NSW

LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY – Signing ePetition – End Public Native Forest Logging End Public Native Forest Logging in NSW.  To the Speaker and Members of the Legislative Assembly.   Public native forest logging is pushing iconic species like the koala, swift parrot and greater glider towards extinction.   The 2019/20 Black Summer bushfires burnt over 5…

Native Forests ARE NOT ‘Biofuel’ replacement for coal.

Here and now, at The Time of The Collapse Of The Ecology, they are doubling down on stupid. They are industrially feeding our native forests into furnaces, as a replacement for coal, to make electricity. They have changed the laws to take away the tree protections. They have made laws which say that burning forests…

Morrison’s $50 million pledge for Koalas a smokescreen

NORTH EAST FOREST ALLIANCE:  Scott Morrison announcement of $50 million for Koalas is a smokescreen to cover-up his Government’s approval for increased logging and clearing of Koala habitat, while allowing climate heating to run amok, threatening the future of both Koalas and the Great Barrier Reef, according to the North East Forest Alliance. “Without good…