TSC, Increased Roadside Weed Management, 3 Year Contract

Weeds, along with habitat loss and feral animals, are the top causes of the loss of biodiversity in NSW.

Cnclr Nola Firth: “We in the tweed are responsible for one of the most diverse places in Australia and one where we have the most threatened species.

“Despite this weeds are proliferating along our road side and the floods have spread seriously invasive weeds such as devils fig. Many in the community are concerned about the issue.

“In response to this urgent situation a it is proposed that council accept the quote from Rous County Council for a full weeds team and their equipment for three years.

“Such an investment will make a major difference to the protection of the integrity of our highly important and greatly loved natural environment.”

Councillors have voted to approve the motion (Cnclr Nola Firth) to provide further funding for roadside weed control, amounting to the monies required for a further vehicle and staff, Rouse County Council are the contracting party.
