… to force a debate in the NSW parliament to End Public Native Forest Logging

Update: Petition succeeded, it will be debated in the Legislative Assembly at 4pm on 15/09/2022.

You can watch the debate on the webcast at https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/pages/la-webcast-page.aspx .


NCC is sponsoring a Parliamentary petition aimed at ending forest logging.

The Petition must get 20,000 signatures in the by August 1, to force a debate in the NSW parliament.

Please do sign the e-petition, link below.

https://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/la/Pages/epetition-details.aspx?q=quge-8rdRlyn4PTcuMj_PA .

Well Done. Thank you.

Caldera Environment Centre.

website: www.calderaenvironmentcentre.org . 
email: caldera@calderaenvironmentcentre.org
